I See That!

Do we take time to notice things around us?  People, animals, creeks, trees, clouds, thunderstorms. Okay, I might say thunderstorms are easy to notice and that of course I notice them. BECAUSE I run to the car, close windows or calm the frightenened children or dog. (choose the applicable ones in your life) But do …

Know Who You Are

In 1993 FBI agents conducted a raid of a psychiatric hospital in San Diego, which was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. After hours of reviewing medical records, the agent in charge called a nearby pizza parlour to order a quick dinner for his colleagues. The following telephone conversation actually took place according to Snopes.com. (if …

Teaching Discipleship vs. Making Disciples

  In the movie, THE GUARDIAN, actor Kevin Costner plays Ben Randall, the instructor for new potential Coast Guard Swimmers. These are the ones who go into the water to save people often in frigid or dangerous conditions. In one scene, the recruits are in an ice-filled swimming pool with Randall when the commanding officer walks in. …