About – Why Holy Imagination?

In each of our lives, there was a day when God spoke to us. When our hearts heard the call of God to know, love and serve Him. That’s the day our holy imagination was ignited. 

I believe we all have a holy imagination as we are all created by the Creator in His image. The Creator made us creators too! (Genesis 1:27)

On our own, we were selfish, loving, grasping, caring, careless, and broken. We were a mess. Sinful people who want to do the right thing at least some of the time but kept coming back to thinking of ourselves. 

The day when God came into our lives with mercy, forgiveness and restoration took our lives and turned them upside down. Suddenly we were in a relationship with love through Jesus Christ. We discovered that God not only loved us but wanted to be in relationship WITH US!. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit had a part for us to play in bringing the kingdom of God with love and forgiveness and beauty into the world. [cue orchestra, music swells, doves are released and music…crescendos!!]

That’s when our holy imagination was sparked by the one who made us each unique and able to serve Him like no one else. Our lives are broken vessels which God uses to present beauty and wonder, forgiveness and love to others. Our lives are still a mess. (sometimes especially before having morning coffee) But we have connected with God and that new relationship has opened new doors for us to create and grow and express ourselves to invite others into the same connection with God and to know, love and serve Him. Our holy imagination is brought to life by how we can be used by God as unique creations of the Creator. That’s so exciting!

Jesus said, “as the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21) 

Just as God sent Jesus to seek us out so we are mandated to do that with others and then invite them into that love relationship with God and to help spread the kingdom of God. That’s making disciples of Jesus. Disciples are by definition, “lovers and learners of Jesus”.

In our ministries, we can get tired, very tired. We can be bashed and bruised by the world and the people we work with. We struggle and strain. Ultimately, we quit in exhaustion and self-condemnation. 

But God has drawn us to Himself to be a community not a bunch of solitary workers.

Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay 

We have gifts, encouragement, stories, songs, life and love to help each other to survive and soar in ministry.  That’s why Holy Imagination. Because we have the holy imagination we need including the holy support and encouragement that comes with it.

So many people quit.

Defeated, battered, betrayed and abandoned

Over my decades in ministry I’ve seen so many people quit the ministry they love, the thing they were called to. They’re defeated, battered, betrayed and abandoned. They give up feeling like failures. Holy Imagination is meant to encourage, network, support and disciple those who make disciples of Jesus in whatever kind of ministry you are — paid, volunteer, leaders, mercy givers, hospitality workers, children’s ministry, parents, teachers, administrators, youth leaders, missionaries, business people, coaches, pastors, prayer warriors, worship leaders, Sunday school, parachurch, institutional, education or whatever else you can think of — we’re all in this together. So check it out and if it works for you join us! 

We need our holy imagination to start, to stay

and to finish well.

  • I’ve seen people enter ministry. 
  • I’ve seen people throw in the towel feeling like they just can’t take it any more. 
  • But I’ve also seen people defy the fatigue and wounds and persevere in ministry. Grab onto that holy imagination. Don’t give up!
My way of saying , “Eye of the Tiger!”
Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

Use your gifts, struggles, leadership and the Holy Spirit’s power to bring God’s kingdom more fully in our world. 

Holy Imagination is an encouragement to you to serve God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself in whatever formal or informal ministry you find yourself.